What is Power Learning SolutionsThis site has been created as a platform to share resources and expertise about instructional design for open and distributed learning, and to promote access to open, accessible, and engaging learning.
Contact InformationEmail: [email protected]
Email (Personal): [email protected] Tel (Canada): (902) 397-3048 Mailing Address: 907 George Street, Sydney, NS, Canada B1P 1M2 |
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Latest Releases
![]() The ALT Text: Accessible Learning with Technology (2024)
The ALT Text explores why accessibility is an important instructional design consideration, the guidelines and regulations that inform accessible design, the barriers to accessible learning with technology, and tools and strategies to support accessibility and eliminate barriers for students. |
![]() Everyday Instructional Design: A Practical Resource for Educators and Instructional Designers (2023)
Everyday Instructional Design works through the online course or module development process, exploring the rationale and pragmatics of all of the steps involved with determining what needs to be developed, creating design plans, developing a prototype, pilot testing with a “live” student audience, reflecting on feedback, and determining how we can tweak our designs to create the best possible online teaching and learning experience. |
Praise for Everyday ID